


   原载2004年台湾商务印书馆出版长篇 小说《阳光》推荐序     

哈金 2004 8 18 美国波士顿大学  


《阳光》是一部雄心勃勃的小说。它力图通过一个爱情故事来描述中国人精神上的创伤和衰落,从而走向文学固有的领域–人的心灵。 自八十年代以来,中国大陆文坛充满了写肉体和写古人的作品,使文学失去了分量,使作家无足轻重。从这个意义上说,《阳光》是积极入世之作。川沙的文笔富有激情,浪漫多彩,为读者展示了血腥而又绚烂的世界。


哈 金 美国作家、诗人。布兰戴斯大学(Brandeis University)博士。曾任教于艾莫里大学(Emory University),现为波士顿大学教授。曾获 1999 年美国“国家书卷奖”、2000 美国笔会/福克纳基金会所颁发“美国笔会/福克纳小说奖”,为第一位同时获此两项美国文学奖之中国作家。主要作品:诗集:《于无声处》(Between Silence)和《面对阴影》(Facing Shadows);短篇小说集:《辞海》(Ocean of Words)、《光天化日》(Under the Red Flag)和《新郎》(The Bridegroom);长篇小说《池塘里》(In the Pond)、《等待》(Waiting)、《疯狂》。


Sunlight is an ambitious novel. Through a love story, it traces the spiritual lost and decline of a Chinese generation, thereby reaching the innermost realm of literature—the human heart. Since the 1980s, Mainland Chinese literature has been obsessed with the body, with the ancients… Writing became insignificance, writers dispensable. In this regard, Sunlight is a work of re-engagement, a counter-act. Chuan Sha’s writing brims with passion and romantic exuberance, revealing a world that’s both violent and dazzling.

Ha Jin
August 2004
Boston, USA


Jīn Xuěfēi (simplified Chinese: 金雪飞; traditional Chinese: 金雪飛; born February 21, 1956) is a contemporary Chinese-American poet and novelist using the pen name Ha Jin (哈金). Ha comes from his favorite city, Harbin. His poetry is associated with the Misty Poetry movement.
Jin sets many of his stories and novels in China, in the fictional Muji City. He has won the National Book Award for Fiction[3] and the PEN/Faulkner Award for his novel, Waiting (1999). He has received three Pushcart Prizes for fiction and a Kenyon Review Prize. Many of his short stories have appeared in The Best American Short Stories anthologies. His collection Under The Red Flag (1997) won the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction, while Ocean of Words (1996) has been awarded the PEN/Hemingway Award. The novel War Trash (2004), set during the Korean War, won a second PEN/Faulkner Award for Jin, thus ranking him with Philip Roth, John Edgar Wideman and E. L. Doctorow who are the only other authors to have won the prize more than once. War Trash was also a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.
Jin currently teaches at Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts. He formerly taught at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.Jin was a Mary Ellen von der Heyden Fellow for Fiction at the American Academy in Berlin, Germany, in the fall of 2008.Jin was inducted to American Academy of Arts and Letters in 2014.