西方月亮(A Western Moon)

川沙 1995年秋 英国伦敦


Translated by H. Laura Wu and Cory Davies

“A Western Moon” was originally serialised in a Toronto Chinese language newspaper and included in The Sojourners: Stories by Chinese-Canadian Writers in 2004.

“哟!多么漂亮的小狗! ”












唐谦答非所问地回答着女人的问话。那时,他看着那只确实逗人喜爱的哈巴狗 正慵懒地拱起两只前爪,歪着身子依憩在女人的两腿之间,哈巴狗和那同样漂亮而又玲珑富态的女人适成呼应,在车厢里温柔的灯光下,婉如一幅莫奈的温馨可人、呼之欲出的油画里的景象,他不禁在心里感叹着西洋人的爱狗,又想起了那句在中国人心目中恐怕认为简直是有点岂有此理的西洋人关于狗的名言来,那就是:Love me,Love my dog.进而,他又想起了最近他正在研究的《浮士德》歌剧里,那条走进了浮士德书房里去的魔狗,那个可怕的Mephistopheles*的化身,那个……他正在顺着意识边往下想,边回答女人的问话时,他又听到女人的声音在对他说道:





































……是的,是见过!他猛然想了起来:这不就是“京巴儿”吗?是呀,是“京巴儿”呀。明明就是嘛!你看,可不是嘛,它毛还这么长。哎……这眼睛,只是……只是这东西出现在这里,又牵在这如此珠光宝气的英国女人手里,才把人搞糊涂了。这北京胡同里的东西,怎么跑到这里来了?奇怪,真是奇怪!有什么奇怪的,你不也是中国的人吗?你怎么跑到这里来了?真是的。种族歧视,中国人为什么就不可以跑到英国来?自己看不起自己?又还物种歧视!人可以出国,狗为什么就不可以跑到这里来?哎……是呀,时代不同了,时代不同了,人可以出国,狗也可以跟着人出国呀……哎,“京巴儿”,真是它,真是“京巴儿”啊。不是吗?前几年,北京好些人开始养宠物的时候,一些人家里养的,不就是这种狗吗?是的,对啦,确认就是它了!没错,就是这种狗!冒出这种狗的过程,记得,好象先是香港导演李翰祥在《火烧圆明园》里,让刘晓庆在慈西太后的宫殿里边牵了出来。对了,确实就是那样。然后,北京城的好些四合院,胡同里,大街上,就到处都钻出来了这种东西。这不,就跟眼前这家伙一个样:白毛儿,或者是黄毛儿长长的,这狗杂种,就是四个爪子站直了,背上的毛都几乎要拖到了地上,说那长毛飘洒的样子,是承传了满清皇宫里巴儿狗的遗风。好了,现在彻底想起来了,这“京巴儿”……它的正名……“正名叫中国宫廷狮子狗,也叫京巴犬,还叫北京犬。实际上,好像它是中国一个古老的犬种,还有好几千年的历史……”哦……记起来了,记起来了……记得,这些文字,是前几年,一个关于狗官司的讨论会上,电视屏幕上出现的字幕……对了,是的,是电视上的字幕,狗官司,狗价钱,电视……电视?电视?电视……哦……想起来了,是出国前几年,是谈这狗……这种狗……谈抢狗……判刑……人和狗……狗的身价……京巴犬的身价?是的,是讨论京巴儿的身价,那是一次中央电视台法制栏目电视直播讨论会,从此,这京巴儿的身价就陡然升了上去。讨论什么?讨论一个人抢了别人一只价值五万圆人民币的“京巴儿”,应不应该被判刑入狱五至十年?主持人提问为:狗的社会学意义是什么?狗之附属于人的中西文化比较,抢狗和抢钱的区别?法学家呢,回答的是狗的市价,量刑限度。直播现场一些群众讨论的是:狗是什么?一致的看法为:狗在中国就什么都不是。狗就是狗,是狗杂种、狗X的、狗屁不通、狗不理包子、狗娘养的、狗腿子、打狗棒、狗头军师、狗嘴里吐不出象牙来、猪狗不如、狗屎!狗在中国,就和老鼠苍蝇麻雀一类,都是扯淡的下三滥一类,还扯到鲁迅,鲁迅的国骂什么的。总之,印象是,国人认为,狗就是狗,是下贱的,而绝对不是西方的什么Love me,Love my dog!电视直播里,那些镜头里讨论会上的群众还谈到,前些年,一些时候,政府的政策朝令夕改,今天号召养狗,明天又号召人民杀狗,弄得地方官员无所适从。而现实是,从古至今,国人都喜欢吃狗肉,走遍大江南北,尤其东北,很多地方餐馆里都有卖狗肉的,狗肉是一道好菜,所以,抢只狗的事情,纯属鸡毛蒜皮的小事,为此而把人关进监狱,未免小题大做,草菅人命!但是,法学家就不这样看了。在法学家眼里,狗是钱,那么,一旦是钱,事情的性质就变了。五万圆人民币,在那个年代,就是一笔巨款,在偷盗和抢劫罪里,算是“数额巨大”,是判罪量刑要件或重点。抢狗事小,狗可以卖钱事大。法制的时代,就是要按法制办理。结果是,那个倒霉的家伙,就真的被关进了监狱。因为他是抢劫,是“数额巨大”的抢劫罪,应该从重从严!于是乎,“京巴儿”的身价,通过那场电视辩论,立刻就在全中国范围内蹿上去了好几层楼……













“Do you think it’s a boy or girl?”





脑海里有那么一瞬间 ,他想起了几年前在北京开文学讨论会时,那个胖胖的山东老乡的军队作家。他最近几年写的一本长篇小说,那本小说的名字就叫做《丰乳肥臀》,一想起那书名,再一想起他那张胖胖的脸,那张脸上宽大的前额下,两撇八字眉遮掩着细眯细眯豌豆角似的一对单眼皮的眼睛时,他就想笑。那时,在他脸上,真的咧开嘴巴笑了起来。















“……森林里,有许多的大象,老虎,熊,Grizzly Bear,Baboon,Chimpanzee,狮子,狐狸,狼,猫头鹰,Boa Constrictor……”


“……Rocodile,野牛,鹿,Giraffe,Zebra,African Buffalo……”

















“哦! 英国人!我的老天!”

【1】语出:杜甫诗歌《月夜》:今夜鄜州月,闺中只独看。/遥怜小儿女,未解忆长安。/香雾云鬟湿,清辉玉臂寒。       /何时倚虚幌,双照泪痕干?



                                         A Western Moon

Chuan Sha

Translated by H. Laura Wu and Cory Davies

“A Western Moon” was originally serialised in a Toronto Chinese language newspaper and included in The Sojourners: Stories by Chinese-Canadian Writers in 2004.


“What a cute puppy!”

As soon as he sat down, Tang Qian noticed the little dog at the foot of the pretty woman facing him. It was a Pekinese with long white hair. Head lifted, bright eyes fixed at him, and barking excitedly, the dog had such an air of sweet innocence that Tang Qian exclaimed in admiration.

“Thank you! Thank you very much!”

Seeing a tall and handsome Asian man admiring her little dog, the Caucasian woman responded happily.

“The early morning air is really fresh!”

“Yes, it is very refreshing, indeed.”

“Going to London?”


“Are you Japanese?”

“No, I’m not.”


“I… I…. Oh, I… I came from China.”

Tang Qian evaded the woman’s question as best as he could. He turned his gaze back to the adorable dog, who languorously raised its fore paws and smugly wedged its torso between the woman’s legs. The dog and its equally attractive and curvaceous mistress made a perfect pair. In the soft light, they looked just like a scene from a Monet painting, lovely and lively. The image made Tang contemplate the incredible affection Westerners lavished on their dogs. It also reminded him of their maxim, “Love me; love my dog,” which sounds preposterously ridiculous to the Chinese. Then he thought of Gounod’s opera Faust, which he had researched recently, especially that magic dog who ambled into Dr. Faust’s study, a metamorphosis of the dreadful Mephistopheles … He was deep in his own thoughts while trying to follow his companion, then, he believed he heard her voice, saying: “Oh China! A beautiful land! It… it seems to be… close to Tanzania… maybe… might…”

“…? …!? …!!!???”

“Oh no! Not Tanzania. China … might be near Ethiopia…I think…”

Right there and then, Tang Qian felt too embarrassed to face squarely the woman sitting opposite him, sparkling with so much jewellery. When chatting with her, he was stealing glances at her, sizing her up slyly because he couldn’t resist the impact her beauty exerted on him, on his sub-consciousness. Her blond hair, her beautiful, big, blue eyes beneath a finely chiselled forehead smooth as white marble. What he found out of place on her were the gold nose ring, the earrings, and the few tiny, shining rings piercing through the fair skin at the end of her eye brows. Those were things contradicted the values that a rather orthodox education ingrained in him during his formative years and that he cherished deep in his heart. Such frippery…

The remark (he couldn’t believe it had come out of her mouth if he had not heard it himself) sounded to him like fanciful words from One Thousand and One Nights. It was like a digger being thrust into his bleeding heart. She must have sensed she had made a stupid slip of tongue and she appeared uncomfortable, or could it simply be that he was overly sensitive? No matter what it was, instinctively aroused by a natural response to her beauty, he still found himself helplessly glancing at her: the gold snake like blond braids, each as thick as a pencil, a hair style favoured by African girls; snow white neck, along which his glance moved downwards and fell on the low-cut neckline of her white silk blouse; quivering breasts partially covered and a visible cleavage, above which dangled a gold cross on a gold necklace hanging around her neck; bare and plump arms; hands wearing gold and silver rings, with which she held a coffee cup and a saucer, with lady-like daintiness and elegance, over the little table between them; long fingernails painted with metallic, silvery purple nail polish.

“Have you heard of chow?”

“Chow? What chow? How do you spell it?”

“Ch… ch…ch…c-h-o-w, chow!”

“No, I have not. What is it?”

“It is a Chinese dog…”

“A Chinese dog?”


“Chow… chow…chow is a Chinese dog?”

“Yes, chow is a Chinese dog! Chow is short-haired, yellow, and rather small too.”

“Is that so?”

“Oh, yes! David is also a Chinese dog! David is a Pekingese and Pekingese is a Chinese dog.”


Tang Qian, though reluctant and a bit dumbfounded, managed to keep the chat going. He noticed that she started to massage the dog’s head again and suddenly he figured it out: David was her dog’s name, and David was a Pekingese. Peking… Peking…  Isn’t Peking Beijing? Peking… Peking…, Peking, the place name and the suffix ese, putting them together and you got Pekingese. Oh my god! How could they fabricate a word in such a way?! Damn! Damn you, the Allied Forces of Eight Nations1… Damn you, the British who headed the Allied Forces! Tang cursed angrily to himself. Then his thoughts turned to the Chinese artefacts in the British Museum, stolen or pillaged from China; the stamps that he purchased recently at an auction, stamps that Empress Dowager Cixi commissioned the British to produce (and they stole them!); and Hong Kong… Damn you! Damn you! Pekingese… Pekingese! Fucking Pekingese! Fucking British!

Yet, the hand moved back and forth right before his eyes, the woman’s hand massaging the dog’s head…

Tang Qian was imagining the hands of Madonna painted by Raphael, hands white as snow and semi lucent like pure jade, hands like petals of the magnolia flowers. Only if the hands in front of him were bare, without those gold and silver things…

“There are also bulldogs, Alsatians, poodles, and… eh, and collies… and huskies? Yes, huskies! I got it right, it is called husky! Dogs the Eskimos use to pull the sleds. Husky is the name. And Borzois, Afghans, and of course let’s not forget the greyhounds, the fastest running dogs. I almost forgot them…”


Tang Qian turned his face away to the window.

The bright lights in the train threw the woman’s silhouette onto the window, against the dark background of early dawn outside. On the window of the fast moving train, her image was blurred. He felt averse to let her notice or sense that he noticed, or rather sensed, her embarrassment. No matter how uncomfortable he was when he listened to what she was babbling about, he was reluctant to stop this attractive woman, who obviously was in a very happy mood, after all he enjoyed her presence.

When he first saw her, he had thought that this could turn out to be a marvellous journey! He had got up in the wee hours and left for the station at daybreak. While he was walking along Princes Street, the tap-tap-tapping sounds his shoes made resounded with the changing shadows of himself under the street lights, sometimes long and sometimes short. His steps on the paving slabs echoed in the quiet dawn. Lifting up his head, he looked at those ancient stone buildings aligning the hillside. His eyes were led upwards by the zigzagging cobblestone road that was lighted by the soft and yellowy street lights: shadowy outlines of the Palaces of Holyroodhouse, St. Giles Cathedral, and Edinburgh Castle appeared in the dark. Then, he recalled the night of the full moon last fall: the fireworks, to the rhythm of symphonic music, exploded, and danced, and flew, and glided in the night sky. The cascading fireworks plummeted from the parapet of the Castle, just like the waters of Huangguoshu Falls in China or Niagara Falls in Canada. He also remembered the cheering and dancing crowds, and the smiling faces of the children, those lily-like faces. Then his eyes glanced upwards along the crown steeple of St. Giles Cathedral and fixed on the silver moon in the dark sky. In the dim light of the dawn, he held his head high; he stood in front of an iron fence, behind which was a garden on Princes Street, which led to the train station. His whole body, tall, sinewy and graceful like a statue, was completely still, frozen or congealed. He stared at the stunningly gorgeous moon, rising and then falling. He exclaimed silently: “Ah, such an exquisite moon! Such a classical and elegant moon! Certainly a British moon! A European moon! A Western moon!”

Right then, he caught sight of the Castle, glittering as if silver-plated. To him, Edinburgh was the most beautiful city of ancient castles of all European cities. As if under a spell, he felt like he was in a Shakespearian play, a magical and sublime play; in it he was a character, a fine character, a lucky character to whom good fortunes befell…

Behold, didn’t it come true? You see, as soon as he stepped onto the train, here, right before his eyes, a glamorous beauty, a charming Europa, an adorable angel by Rafael!

What a wonderful trip it would be! An early morning train ride, by pure chance, sitting across from a goddess!


How could she let such nonsensical words, as if out of One Thousand and One Nights, roll off her tongue?


“Look! He’s falling asleep!”


Tang Qian looked at the little dog, head tilting sideways, eyes closed, body entirely relaxed. All of a sudden, he realized that he might have seen a dog like this one before.

Yes, of course. He remembered, it was a few years ago when some residents in Beijing started to keep pets. Didn’t some raise this kind of dog? Yes, they did. Pekingese dogs became a fad because of a scene in a film, Burning of the Imperial Garden2 shot by a Hong Kong director Li Han Hsiang. Wasn’t it the scene in which Director Li had the actress Liu Xiaoqing, playing the part of Empress Dowager Cixi, walk out of a palace hall with a little dog at heel and on a leash? Then all of a sudden, Pekingese dogs emerged everywhere in downtown Beijing, with long, soft, white or yellow coats. Allegedly, the Pekingese originated from the palace of the Manchu Qing court, and carried an imperial pedigree. Its sale price increased because of a debate on live television: in a robbery attempt, a guy took someone’s Pekingese that had a price tag of 50,000 dollars in Chinese currency. Would the robber be sentenced to a prison term of five, or even ten, years? It turned out that the wretched man was indeed thrown into prison. He robbed and thus deserved a punishment, severe and swift. After that incident, the “value” of the dog skyrocketed again.

… He might have come across a Pekinese even earlier. He was not sure if he had seen it in My Memories of Old Beijing3 or in an earlier movie he saw when he was a kid, Battles in An Old City4. Whichever film it was, a Pekingese was in it, held in the arms of or pulled on leash by a rich woman or a rich girl, and wearing a tiny, jingling bell. Now his recollections became clearer: it was in Battles in An Old City. Didn’t Miss Yinhuan very often carry a Pekingese in her arms? He remembered the character and the dog because Yinhuan and her sister Jinhuan were played by the same actress, Wang Xiaotang, and in his opinion, Wang Xiaotang was the prettiest and most refined film star in twentieth-century China. Unfortunately she was born in the wrong time, years too early to appear in some of the blockbuster movies that made Liu Xiaoqing or Gong Li famous. However, Wang Xiaotang was much more beautiful than Liu Xiaoqing and Gong Li, or Komaki Kurihara and Yamaguchi Momoe from Japan, or Lin Ching Hsia from Taiwan. As for those Hong Kong actresses who often made fools of themselves in those gongfu movies, they were too homely and their acting was too amateurish to leave any impression on him; consequently, he could not even recall their names. You wouldn’t even mention them in the same breath…

He also recalled another film-related anecdote: it was in Urumqi, China. He attended a reception on a film set because the film was adapted from a novel written by a friend of his. There he was, talking with the lead actress of which film he now had no recollection, when suddenly a ferocious looking director from Japan rudely interrupted by asking him who was the prettiest actress in Asia. They got into a heated argument and later, at dinner, the Japanese, drunk as a skunk, howled that Tang was an aesthetic chauvinist. Apparently the accusation came about because of his statements that Yamaguchi Momoe, good-looking as she was, was no competition for Wang Xiaotang, and that China had a population of more than one billion while Japan, an island country as diminutive as a pellet, could support only a tiny population, and hence the law of probability did not favour Japan, etc. etc. He was well aware of the real reason for the director’s sour mood: the Japanese was green with envy because the actress seemed to enjoy chatting with Tang. However the Japanese had no idea that Tang and the young lady happened to come from the same place. She was a member of the dance troupe of the city where he lived and she adored him long before she was casted for the leading role… So he decided to teach the Japanese a lesson. He made a pact with the actress to play tricks on the director. Whenever the Japanese tried to flirt with her, he would team up with other men and made sure the Japanese would not have his way. Once the Japanese idiot became really annoyed, believing that he, the Japanese director in a joint-venture of film production, had the advantage over the Chinese cast. Tang responded simply by pulling the actress away from the Japanese and sat her on his lap; she, with presumed enthusiasm, linked her arms around his neck, gave him fat and loud kisses…

He also thought about his uncle, whom he only got to know from a fading, grainy picture in an album. The picture, taken in a Ji’nan photo studio, Mount Tai Studio, in the 1920s or 1930s, displayed a tall and handsome student in his early twenties, hair parted in the middle, wearing a pair of round frameless glasses, dressed in a Western style suit and wearing a tie. He died in a Japanese air raid in early spring during the War, by a brook near a village… His uncle was a graduate of the Qufu5 Teachers’ College and then the famous Peking University. Even now you could find his calligraphy on a piece of huge rock at Mount Tai, two big characters in bold vigorous strokes and in the Song style, inscribed after the Marco Polo Bridge Incident6

A few years ago he visited his hometown. His half-sister accompanied him to the site to pay homage to their uncle. In the approaching dusk, he looked up, in profound awe and veneration, at the two gigantic characters carved deep into the rocky cliff half way up the mountain, Bu tian (Mending the Sky)7, two characters possessing their own soul and almost coming alive. Overwhelmed and inspired, he found himself in an uncontrollable emotional state …

“Do you know the difference between a chow and a Pekingese?”

“I’m afraid not.”

“A Pekingese is smaller in size than a chow but has a coat of much longer hair. Also a Pekingese’s hair is usually white and a chow’s yellow.”


Pekingese… Pekingese… Damned! Could she just shut up? He cursed to himself. Self-mockingly, he reflected that the ransacking of the imperial garden by the allied forces had been carried out by soldiers of her great grandfathers’ generation; moreover there was no way to tell if her great grandfather was a soldier in the British contingent then. So why should I blame her and why should I rob myself a pleasant time by finding fault with her? Damn it, she is so pretty…


A couple of months ago, on the same 5:30AM train from Edinburgh to London, he had got on the train, dutifully punctual, sat down and struck a conversation with a fellow passenger sitting opposite him, a girl who did not particularly attract his attention. He found her too skinny, having a freckled face. Her eyes were big enough, however, her face reminded him of a sarcophagus in the British Museum that had the image of the Egyptian maiden, now mummified within, painted, as she had been in life in ancient pigments on the lid. The girl was beautiful, even impeccably beautiful; yet, her beauty was that of a painting, an artistic artefact, an antique, man-made and lifeless. You could hardly detect any sign of life in her beauty, only a shadowy presence of death. He noticed the skin over the girl’s forehead and back of her hands, thin and pale like fragile paper; underneath the skin, blue and purple veins branching out like the roots of a tree; protruding shoulder blades, twig-like fingers and legs, and bony body… He simply could not understand why Westerners were so crazy about dieting that their beauties were like skeletons, especially those fashion models on the catwalk, under the limelight. They were so skeletal that the gorgeous clothes hung on them.

When he was on a beach, especially a nude beach in Germany, France or some other West European countries where people were more open-minded, he fully enjoyed the view: crystal blue sky, gently caressing waves with whitecaps, sunbathing girls wearing colourful sunbonnets and sunglasses, half naked or completely naked, their bodies perfectly tanned. He particularly enjoyed looking at those healthy, fleshy bodies. In polite, indirect, and aesthetic terms, you could call them the archetypal feminine body with a somewhat exaggerated upper torso and lower back. In the unsophisticated and straightforward language of the street, you could say that these women sported big breasts and wide hips.

“Can you tell if it’s a boy or a girl?”

The woman asked him with a sweet smile, her eyes tenderly caressed his face.

“Eh… eh, a girl? It must be a girl.”

“No, no, noooo! Haha… haha… hahaaa! It is not a girl! It’s a boy! hehe…hehe… hahaaa…”

As the woman started to laugh, her entire body began to shake, her breasts, partially covered by the white blouse featuring the low-cut neckline, bobbling up and down. He suddenly detected a hot sensation rising up inside his body… In a split second, a past event resurfaced in his memory: a few years ago at a literary workshop in Beijing, he met a novelist of the Chinese army, who was also from Shandong, his home province. The army man had just published a novel titled Big Breasts and Wide Hips8. Whenever he thought of the title, the image of the author appeared before his eyes: chubby face, broad forehead, brows in the shape of the Chinese character 八 that almost hid his narrow slits of small eyes with simple-fold eyelid. He couldn’t help but laugh his heart out. He laughed at the workshop. Actually both of them did; they laughed and laughed for a long while.

He remembered that they talked about Claude Simon, novelist of the nouveau roman and his La Route des Flandres. They dissected his techniques but still couldn’t figure out why the Swedes made him the Nobel laureate of 1985. His works were full of frequent and repeated spatial and chronological discontinuities, long sentences of dozens and even hundreds of words without a single punctuation mark. Those long passages, often stretching across many pages, were annoyingly disorienting. Very often, after perusing pages and pages, you still had no clue where the story was heading. That was “nouveau roman of poetry and painting”! Perhaps we were too geared to the classical novels to appreciate him, just like Picasso’s paintings were not accepted once: breasts grafted to the shoulder, buttocks to the belly, and eyes appearing anywhere on the body…


“Have you heard of safaris in Tanzania?”


“You should know. After all, Tanzania is so close to China. In the safari…”


Go to hell! Tang Qian swore silently. What’s wrong with this woman? How could she be so ignorant? Now she tossed China into Africa, and the very next moment she prattled about Pekingese, but had no idea why this Beijing dog was a Chinese breed. Probably she didn’t even know Beijing! Bloody idiot! Would there be a Chinese who did not know London? What kind of person would he be? He did not want to follow his own train of thought…

He kept quiet, dispirited. But his eyes, damned eyes, couldn’t stay still but kept sneaking a peek or two at her alluring breasts, pinkish fair-skinned and fleshy arms. And quite often he used the corner of his eye to have a few quick downward looks: her short black skirt, her shining pink high heeled shoes, and her erotically inviting legs in revealingly sheer, black mesh thighs…

Big Breasts and Wide Hips! Big Breasts and Wide Hips! Wasn’t this objet right in front of him a woman of “big breasts and wide hips”? However, instead of the woman sitting opposite, he conjured up, quite often, in his mind the image of that skinny girl he had met on the train on the previous trip. Her family resided in London while she studied economics at the University of Edinburgh. On that trip she was heading back to London. He tried to discuss literature with her but could not really engage her, because she had not heard of any English writers except for Shakespeare and D. H. Lawrence. Actually she knew of D. H. Lawrence merely because of the BBC dramatization of Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover and the scandalous repercussions the TV adaptation invoked: it was said that parents and teachers of school children complained about too much nudity in the TV series, and then older people with social conservative values expressed their rage. The media also joined in heated debates for and against the series in newspapers and magazines, on TV and radio. Only when the battle cries thundered in her classrooms and dormitory did she get to know that the author was a Brit. The real irony was that she actually hailed from Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, a bona fide fellow-townsperson of Lawrence’s. Certainly Lawrence would turn in his grave, wouldn’t he? It also made you realize how ignorant some young people in the United Kingdom were about their own cultural heritage. He still remembered that the girl expressed, several times, her admiration, or jealousy, of the actress when she talked about the TV drama.

Fresh morning air, mixed with the aroma of hot coffee and the strong fragrance the woman wore, a fragrance with a whiff of light and refreshing scent of the woods. Theirs was a very early train, with so very few passengers aboard that there were literally no people around them, only the woman and he.

Tang Qian stared through the window, objects against the first light of the dawn were still blurry, the woman’s reflection on the window glass distorted, pulled apart or put together by light and shadow intermittently, in his ears echoing the woman’s prattle: “… in the forest there are many elephants, tigers, bears, grizzly bears, baboons, chimpanzees, lions, foxes, wolfs, owls, boa constrictors…”

He watched at the window, and saw her nose and forehead being lengthened and shortened alternately by the lights of those tiny stations the train rushed by… for a fleeting moment her prominent breasts and the back of her head were being pulled in two directions, forward and backward: the big breasts, looking like huge swords being thrust forward at the dark and distant fields and woods of Scotland, the back of her head, pulled backwards, resembling a mop of long blond hair trailing and dancing in the grey sky of the dawn…

“…Crocodiles, buffalos, deer, giraffes, zebras, African buffalos…”

Crocodile? C-r-o-c-o-d-i-l-e? Giraffe? Zebra? Africa buffalo? B-u-f-f-a-l-o… He desperately searched, from his memory, those English words that rolled off her tongue. He felt crushed, completely and helplessly, by those English words of wild life in faraway Africa…

One year during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), the city he grew up in was thrown into the throes of factional fighting in which real weapons were used. He flew to another city and lived with relatives. There he got hold of a copy of Inside Africa. A teenager then, he dreamed of safaris in Tanzania, Africa. He fantasized one day he would be there to see with his own eyes those elephants, tigers, lions, giraffes, zebras, crocodiles … But imagine it: he had to sit inside a jeep! The book said that over there, human beings were put into a cage… the British, the French, the Americans… they hid inside vehicles, firing their Mauser rifles at the animals… In the bushes, elephants and giraffes stood there, blocking the path of the jeeps… the young Elizabeth spent a night on a huge tree… Many years later, he read more books by the same author, American journalist John Gunther, Inside Asia, Inside Europe … yet what impressed him most was still Inside Africa

That pretty woman was still prattling in her elegant London accent…

He could not take in anything she uttered; not one word.

Any sounds she made were transformed, at that moment, into one exclamation, “Oh China! A beautiful land! It… it seems to be… close to Tanzania… maybe…”

Exasperation inside his body and the woman’s nonsensical gibbering made him embarrassed, disillusioned, annoyed, and enraged, he felt as if he were drowning in a deep sea of helplessness and vulnerability…

“Oh China! A beautiful land! It… it seems to be… close to Tanzania… maybe… ”

“Oh China! A beautiful land…”

“Oh China…”

“Oh …”

… …

Her nonstop idiocy assailed him, ringing in his ears even when the train reached its destination London, even when he walked out of Victoria Station, even when he resurfaced from the Tube and was on St Meyer Road. It was drizzling and the air was moist… He already forgot how he had managed to switch the conversation with the woman, who had brutally plunged China into the African Continent beside Tanzania, and then Ethiopia, to other topics. However, several days later, he still could not rid himself of the memory: that dreadful exclamation, the woman’s pure and refined London accent, her lethal beauty and sexy body, and the fragrance lingering in the air of an autumn dawn, a fragrance blended with the aroma of hot coffee, that unique scent of the woman’s fragrance, all those stayed with him for many, many days, fresh in his memory and vivid before his eyes.

“Oh China! A beautiful land! …”

“Oh the British! Oh My God!”


1 The Allied Forces of Eight Nations refers to the troops sent by Britain, America, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Japan to Beijing in 1900 to suppress the anti-West Boxers.
2 Burning of the Imperial Garden is a well-received film released in China in 1983 and directed by the award winning director Li Han Hsiang (1926-1996). It depicts the notorious looting and burning of the Yuanming Garden, by the Allied Forces of Britain and France in 1860.
3 My Memories of Old Beijing (1982) is an award-winning film which tells the story of ordinary Beijing residents’ lives in the 1920s through the eye of a nine-year-old girl.
4 Battles in An Old City (1963) is a famous film made in the Mao era (1949-1976), glorifying the Chinese communist resistance fighters in their struggle against the Japanese invaders during the war against Japan (1937-1945).
5 Qufu, a town in Shandong province, is Confucius’ hometown.
6 The incident took place on July the 7th, 1937 not far from Peking. It signalled the beginning of the eight-year long war between China and Japan.
7 A Chinese myth relates that once upon a time, a corner of the sky collapsed and a female deity Nüwa mended the defective sky by melting huge rocks and patching it up. References to Bu tian or “Mending the Sky” always carry mythical significance.
8 Big Breasts and Wide Hips (1996) is written by Mo Yan, a famous Chinese writer and the 2013 Nobel laureate. He is known in the West for two of his novels which were the basis of the film Red Sorghum (1987). He has been referred to as the Chinese answer to Franz Kafka or Joseph Heller.

